Thursday, October 14, 2010

I haven't forgotten

I know it's been awhile since I posted the next chapter of Love Me Now.  I am just letting you all know that I have not forgotten.  I am currently working on it.  For some reason it had me stumped.  I could see it one way but I couldn't get it down on paper.  But then while I was sleep deprived and literally about to pull my hair out of my head due to screaming children, it came to me.  So now I  have 12 pages.  Hopefully it will be done by tomorrow or Saturday.  But as soon as I am finished, my first stop will be right here.

Pinky swear.


  1. Oh girl I just thought you were moving and very busy! I am excited for the next chapter but you have to be mad busy so don't sweat we will bite our nails and sweat until you finish lol

  2. I agree with Casey, concentrate on your move. From the counter at the top of the page you have 1 more day before moving. I hope that your move is successful. Take care and good luck with the move.


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