Friday, October 22, 2010

Happy Birthday Alexandria

Today my oldest daughter turned 6.  She woke up this morning and didn't even know it was her birthday.  After a month of asking when it was and she forgot.  But as soon as I said the words, she automatically went to the mirror and looked at herself.  Then she turned around and said, "Do I look taller?"

Now that she is a year older, she has automatically grown at least an inch.  At least that's her theory.  And she too grown up to do certain things, like eat breakfast or take a nap.  Because as she put it, "I'm grown now."

And yes, she actually said those words.  The only thing that made it horrible, was the fact that she's celebrating it in a hotel room.  We are still in the process of house hunting, but we did get to take them to a house we were interested in.  What's the downside?  Because there is one.

The downside is...she thought we were moving in to the house.  It took us awhile to explain that we were just looking and we had other houses to look at too.  But once she understood it she just wanted to know what we were going to do to make it up to her.  Here is her list:

1.  A Cinderella cake.
2.  It has to have 6 candles.  6 not 5, because she'll never be 5 again.  (her words)
3.  A dog.  (she's not getting a dog)
4.  who knows what else...she started talking about a whole bunch of stuff and although I didn't log it away for later use, I'm sure she will remind me.

Other than that it was a nice birthday.  We ordered pizza and right now they are watching cartoons.  With any luck we'll get a house soon and get to make up her hotel style birthday.

And to think...I get to do this all over again next month for Ariana's birthday.  I'm feeling old already.



Thursday, October 21, 2010


I just wanted to let everyone know that we made it safely.  It took a couple of days since we had to take two cars and two children.  lol.  But we made it around noon yesterday.  To say that I am elated is an understatement.  Now our next task is finding a house that is close to the base I'm stationed at and getting Alex in school.  She's already missed almost a week. 

She's driving me crazy.  I've never seen a child who wanted to go to school that much.  I was the same was she was at her age, but she literally might have a nervous breakdown if she doesn't go soon. 

So in are now in Colorado.  We are looking for a house.  And we are going to party like its 1999?

No, I don't think that last part is right.  Oh well.  I'll make sure to keep you all updated on our progress.  And cross your fingers that we find something soon, because hotel living sucks. 



Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Computer Talks?

Here I was sitting at my computer, trying to upload the next chapter of Love Me Now to my blog. Of course it was being difficult, so I yelled at it. My oldest daughter Alex told me that the computer doesn't talk. So I told her yes it does. She looked at me like I was crazy and said, "It doesn't have a mouth, Mom."

I told her, "Yes it does, you're just not looking hard enough."

We kind of went back and forth for a few minutes and then she dropped it. Well my husband was on his computer too and he heard what we were talking about. So being the smart ass that he is, he decided to get on the voice activated system and type out, "Hello, Alexandria."

They instantly became interested in it and he had it talking to them as if they were having a conversation.

"What are you doing for Halloween?"

My youngest daughter Ariana says, "Going trick or treating."

"Why?" he typed.

"To get stickers."


"To play with them."



She can't say because.


Finally she got up and stormed off, "I don't want to talk to you anymore!" she screamed at the computer.

Of course we all burst out laughing, because she was completely serious. My husband then typed in, "Come back."

Ariana told the computer no. But after a few times of it saying, "Come back," she finally said, "Okay." And then proceeded to talk to it like it was a real person. This continued for awhile until my husband got tired of typing and finally typed, "Bye."

Tell my why my daughter, got mad and almost cried. I know I was probably wrong, but I couldn't help laughing so hard I almost cried.

We explained to Alex that the computer didn't really talk and that it was Daddy typing whatever he wanted to say. However, my three year old was very serious and now thinks she has a new friend. We'll break the news to her tomorrow. Tonight we're too tickled to try explaining it to her.

She won't believe us anyway.


Thursday, October 14, 2010

I haven't forgotten

I know it's been awhile since I posted the next chapter of Love Me Now.  I am just letting you all know that I have not forgotten.  I am currently working on it.  For some reason it had me stumped.  I could see it one way but I couldn't get it down on paper.  But then while I was sleep deprived and literally about to pull my hair out of my head due to screaming children, it came to me.  So now I  have 12 pages.  Hopefully it will be done by tomorrow or Saturday.  But as soon as I am finished, my first stop will be right here.

Pinky swear.


Thursday, October 7, 2010


As some of you might see at the top of my page...I'm moving. I am currently in the military and am stationed in Texas. Well sort of. We're by the border and in the desert. But anyhoo. My family and I will now be moving to Colorado. I can't tell you all how happy I am. This place is a black hole of despair. There are no real trees. No grass. And its hot 89% of the time. I just want to leave and never come back.

Our biggest issue now is making sure all the things we need packed get packed.  And inventorying all of the important things that are important.  You never realize how much stuff you have until you have to pack it up.

But no matter what, I'd pack it up again if it meant I could leave this place.


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